Bill Summary Date

(Last Action)

Status Last Action
HB1615 Military base development.2025-01-27IntroducedRecommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
SB0422 Advanced transmission technologies.2025-02-05EngrossedReferred to the House
SB0465 Certified technology parks.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
HB1683 Certified technology parks.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
SB0472 Cybersecurity.2025-01-23IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
SB0459 Environmental matters.2025-02-06IntroducedSenator Randolph added as coauthor
HB1207 Space science and technology grant program.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education
SB0443 Business personal property tax.2025-02-03IntroducedSenator Randolph added as coauthor
HB1172 Office of entrepreneurship and innovation.2025-02-06IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
HB1322 Blockchain technology; state investment in Bitcoin.2025-02-03IntroducedRepresentative Pierce K added as coauthor
HB1620 Disclosure of artificial intelligence use in health care.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
HB1063 Discriminatory profiling and pretextual stops.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
SB0516 Economic development.2025-02-06IntroducedSenator Ford J.D. added as coauthor
HB1515 Education and higher education matters.2025-02-07EngrossedReferred to the Senate
SB0253 Economic revitalization area designations.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
HB1312 Public notices.2025-02-03IntroducedRecommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
SB0255 Education matters.2025-01-29EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1204 Digital alert pilot program.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
SB0313 Law enforcement data.2025-01-23IntroducedSenator Freeman added as second author
SB0141 Eyewitness identification procedures.2025-01-28IntroducedSenator Pol added as coauthor
HB1002 Various education matters.2025-02-04EngrossedReferred to the Senate
HB1583 Climate change studies.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs
SB0358 Various education matters.2025-01-30IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass adopted; reassigned to Committee on Appropriations
SB0318 Required disclosures and access of foreign media.2025-02-04EngrossedReferred to the House
SB0336 Property tax revenue shared with charter schools.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education and Career Development
HB1235 Military and veteran matters.2025-01-27IntroducedRecommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
HB1628 Property development matters.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Utilities, Energy and Telecommunications
SB0528 Election and duties of the lieutenant governor.2025-01-16IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Elections
HB1052 Onsite sewage systems.2025-02-07EngrossedReferred to the Senate
HB1098 Youth, family, and caregiver engagement initiative.2025-02-06IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
HB1398 Office of school safety.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
SB0532 Ballot tracking commission.2025-01-16IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Elections
HB1509 Appointed officials.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Government and Regulatory Reform
HB1274 Health finance matters.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
HB1680 Election security and transparency.2025-02-06IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
SB0438 County recorder's records perpetuation fund.2025-01-29EngrossedReferred to the House
SB0067 Secured school safety grants.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education and Career Development
SB0425 Energy production zones.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Utilities
SB0211 Clean water Indiana program.2025-01-27EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1254 Cognitive training grant program.2025-01-27IntroducedRepresentative Greene added as coauthor
SB0359 Student well-being and resiliency.2025-02-03IntroducedSenator Johnson T removed as coauthor
SB0033 Consumer genetic testing providers.2025-02-06IntroducedSenator Koch added as coauthor
SB0373 Department of education.2025-01-29EngrossedReferred to the House
SB0142 Eviction issues.2025-01-29EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1383 Indiana civilian cyber corps.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
HB1198 Local public work projects.2025-02-05EngrossedReferred to the Senate
HB1001 State budget.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
SB0295 Licensing of collateral recovery services.2025-02-06IntroducedSenator Donato added as coauthor
SB0115 Paid family and medical leave program.2025-01-21IntroducedSenator Walker G added as second author
HB1007 Energy generation resources.2025-02-06IntroducedCommittee report: do pass, adopted