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For current officeholders in the U.S. Congress and Indiana General Assembly, this feature identifies how they voted on key legislation and eventually will link to the text of the legislation.

Bill Information Yes/No
SB 282 Requires School and Parent Intervention if Students Miss 5 Consecutive Unexcused Days Yes
HB 1380 Prohibits School Employees from Placing Students in Isolated "Time-Outs" Yes
HB 1121 Extends the Expiration of Provisions Concerning a County with a Single Voting Bloc and the Allocation of Votes for a Local Income Tax Council Yes
SB 282 Requires School and Parent Intervention if Students Miss 5 Consecutive Unexcused Days Yes
HB 1380 Prohibits School Employees from Placing Students in Isolated "Time-Outs" Yes
HB 1121 Extends the Expiration of Provisions Concerning a County with a Single Voting Bloc and the Allocation of Votes for a Local Income Tax Council Yes
HB 1162 Amends State Motor Bureau Rules Yes
HB 1137 Requires Schools Provide Students 2 Hours of Religious Practice Per Week Yes
HB 1086 Authorizes Bars and Restaraunts to Prepare, Sell, and Deliver Alcoholic Beverages for Carry-out Customers Yes
HB 1338 Authorizes Increased Control Over Meeting Decorum No
SB 282 Requires School and Parent Intervention if Students Miss 5 Consecutive Unexcused Days No
SB 234 Amends Disaster Emergency Powers for the Governor Yes
SB 282 Requires School and Parent Intervention if Students Miss 5 Consecutive Unexcused Days No
SB 202 Amends State University Tenure, Promotion and Diversity Policies Yes
SB 1 Requires Third Graders Who Fail Certain Reading Standards be Held Back Yes
SB 185 Requires Schools Establish a Policy to Prohibit Cell Phone Use During Class No
SB 6 Requires Department of Education Identify Students in Grades 4-8 Who Did Not Pass IREAD-3 Program and are Not Reading Proficiently Yes
SB 185 Requires Schools Establish a Policy to Prohibit Cell Phone Use During Class No
HB 1019 Prohibits the Sale of Beverages on Private Property Yes
HB 1376 Limits When School Tax Referendums can be Presented to Voters Yes
HB 1001 Expands Work-Based Learning Programs Yes
HB 1002 Defines Antisemitism as Discrimination on the Basis of the Jewish Religion Yes
SB 297 Requires an Agency to Conduct a Regulatory Analysis for Certain Proposed Rules, Including if the Costs are at least $1 million No
HB 1002 Defines Antisemitism as Discrimination on the Basis of the Jewish Religion No
SB 8 Authorizes Pharmacy Benefit Managers to Negotiate Prices for Drugs No
HB 1591 Amends Laws Regarding Retention of Records in Public Schools Yes
SB 8 Authorizes Pharmacy Benefit Managers to Negotiate Prices for Drugs No
SB 187 Requires State Police Departments Conduct Background Checks on Police Reserve Officers No
HB 1177 Authorizes Teachers to Keep Firearms in Classrooms Yes
HB 1087 Prohibits the Department of Corrections from Transporting Offenders to Any Location That's Not Their County of Residence Yes
HB 1608 Prohibits the Instruction of Human Sexuality in Students From Pre-K Through Grade Three Yes
SB 7 Prohibits Non-Compete Agreements for Physicians No
SB 314 Amends the Confidentiality Laws Regarding Abuse Victims Yes
HB 1334 Increases Restrictions on Voter Registration Yes
HB 1407 Establishes Parental Bill of Rights in Education, Health and Mental Healthcare Yes
HB 1334 Increases Restrictions on Voter Registration Yes
HB 1407 Establishes Parental Bill of Rights in Education, Health and Mental Healthcare Yes
HB 1365 Prohibits and Criminalizes "Machine-Gun Conversion" Devices Yes
HB 1167 Requires Public Government Meetings be Live-Streamed and Archived No
HB 1306 Increases Penalty for Killing Law Enforcement Animal Yes
HB 1608 Prohibits the Instruction of Human Sexuality in Students From Pre-K Through Grade Three No
HB 1407 Establishes Parental Bill of Rights in Education, Health and Mental Healthcare No
HB 1306 Increases Penalty for Killing Law Enforcement Animal No
SB 1 Prohibits All Abortions Unless Under Certain Circumstances Yes
SB 2 Appropriates Funds for Pregnancy and Child Care Yes
SB 1 Prohibits All Abortions Unless Under Certain Circumstances Yes
HB 1041 Prohibits Transgender Girls from Playing on Female Sports Teams Yes
HB 1251 Authorizes School Departments and Corporations to Hire Non-Union Employees Yes
HB 1296 Repeals License Requirement to Carry a Handgun Yes
HB 1211 Amends Law for State Regulation of Blockchain Technology and Oversight of Broadband Projects Yes
HB 1001 Amends COVID-19 Immunization and Vaccine Requirements No
HB 1079 Amends Definition of Rape No
HB 1130 Requires Schools to Offer an Oral Public Comment Period No
SB 82 Requires Every High School Senior Fill Out a FAFSA Yes
SB 134 Limits Private Donations to Local Governments Yes
HB 1116 Increases Requirements for Mail-In Voting Yes
HB 1248 Prohibits Big Cat and Bear Cub Owners from Allowing Public Interaction No
HB 1041 Prohibits Transgender Girls from Playing on Female Sports Teams Yes
HB 1072 Requires Distribution of Funds to Certain Charter Schools Yes
HB 1041 Prohibits Transgender Girls from Playing on Female Sports Teams Yes
HB 1134 Prohibits Teaching Certain Concepts on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity Yes
HB 1217 Requires Knowledge of Coerced Abortions for Women Seeking Abortion Yes
HB 1122 Prohibits Sexually Oriented Businesses from Operating Near Child-Oriented Facilities Yes
HB 1107 Amends Special Education Conflict Resolution Process No
HB 1122 Prohibits Sexually Oriented Businesses from Operating Near Child-Oriented Facilities Yes
HB 1107 Amends Special Education Conflict Resolution Process No
HB 1122 Prohibits Sexually Oriented Businesses from Operating Near Child-Oriented Facilities Yes
HB 1077 Repeals Certain Gun Regulations Yes
HB 1190 Authorizes Free Speech Zones on College Campuses No
HB 1041 Prohibits Transgender Girls from Playing on Female Sports Teams No
HB 1077 Repeals Certain Gun Regulations No
SB 19 Prohibits Pointing, Discharging Firearm at Inspector General Investigator No
HB 1041 Prohibits Transgender Girls from Playing on Female Sports Teams No
HB 1581 Amends Redistricting Maps Yes
SB 5 Prohibits a Local Health Department from Implementing Orders More Restrictive than the Governor No
HB 1191 Prohibits a Local Government's Control Board from Banning a Fuel Source Yes
HB 1190 Increases the Amount of Overweight Trucks Allowed on Roadways No
HB 1164 Limits a City or Township's Ability to Restrict 5G Poles No
HB 1123 Authorizes Lawmakers to Call a Special Session During a Public Emergency Yes
HB 1577 Requires Doctors to Tell Patients About Abortion Reversal Protocol Yes
SB 353 Requires Presenting Valid Identification to Request an Absentee Ballot Online Yes
HB 1068 Authorizes the Creation of Local Justice Reinvestment Advisory Councils Yes
SB 260 Authorizes 16 or 17 Year-Olds to Serve as a Precinct Election Officers on Election Day Yes
HB 1001 Appropriates Funds for Capital Expenditures for the State Budget Yes
HB 1369 Authorizes Carrying a Firearm Without a Permit Yes
HB 1028 Establishes a Defense for a Person who Operates a Vehicle with Marijuana in Their Metabolism Yes
HB 1381 Establishes Standards for Assessing Solar Projects Yes
SB 1 Exempts Healthcare Providers from Legal Liability if They Fail to Provide Non-Emergency Procedures Due to COVID-19 Patient Overflow Yes
HB 1365 Requires Entering Information of Candidates into the Statewide Voter Registration System Yes
SB 386 Establishes Refinancing Plans to Retire Coal Plants No
HB 1006 Increases Police Accountability No
SB 1 Exempts Healthcare Providers from Legal Liability if They Fail to Provide Non-Emergency Procedures Due to COVID-19 Patient Overflow No