Do Christian nationalists Have an Agenda for Indiana?

a new accountability project from The Indiana Citizen

A Note from the Publisher of the Indiana Citizen

Hoosier Christian nationalists have a champion in the Statehouse who is literally one heartbeat away from becoming governor of Indiana.

But what are they planning to do with their newfound influence?

That’s the question The Indiana Citizen hopes to answer with the project we are launching today: “One Heartbeat Away: Do Christian nationalists have an agenda for Indiana?”

What is Christian Nationalism?

The most succinct definition of Christian nationalism by the country’s most prolific scholar on the topic, Andrew Whitehead, is “an idea that many Americans hold that the United States should be distinctively Christian in its national identity, public policy and sacred symbols.”

Lt. Gov. Micah Beckwith has an expansive definition: “To me, Christian nationalism is being a steward of what God has given you,” he told public radio station WFYI in an extended interview. “So, taking care of the nation, taking care of your community, being the hands and feet of Christ in your community. To me, Christianity is a good thing. Nationalism is a good thing, right? Like we want to serve our nation.”