Indiana department of health. Specifies that provisions of law governing the office of administrative law proceedings apply to the Indiana department of health (state department) in matters concerning the involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident of a health facility. Requires the fee amount for a service provided by the state health laboratory to be based on the federal Medicare reimbursement rate for the service or if the service does not have a Medicare reimbursement rate, the Medicaid reimbursement rate. Amends the list of crimes or acts that preclude a home health aide, nurse aide, or other unlicensed employee from employment at a home health agency and certain health care facilities. Requires the state department to: (1) investigate any report that a nurse aide or home health aide has been convicted of a certain crime; and (2) after an administrative hearing, remove the individual from the state nurse aide registry. Makes it a Class A infraction for a person convicted of a certain crime to knowingly or intentionally apply for a job as a home health aide or other unlicensed employee at a home health agency or certain health care facilities. For provisions concerning the women, infants, and children nutrition program (WIC program), defines "WIC vendor agreement" and requires the state department to include in a WIC vendor agreement a list of sanctions for failing to comply with the agreement. Requires the state department to: (1) select WIC program vendors based on selection criteria set forth in federal regulations; (2) review the selection criteria annually; (3) include the selection criteria in the WIC state plan; and (4) publish the selection criteria on the state department's website. Includes reporting to local child fatality review teams, the statewide
child fatality review committee, local fetal-infant mortality review teams, and suicide and overdose fatality review teams for the release of mental health records without the consent of the patient. For provisions governing home based food products, repeals the term "potentially hazardous food product" and defines "time temperature control for safety food". Adds the state health commissioner or the commissioner's designee as a member of the rare disease advisory council (council). Adjusts the number of council members required to establish a quorum. Amends the membership of the statewide child fatality review committee. Repeals the expiration of the maternal mortality review laws.