End of life options. Allows individuals with a terminal illness who meet certain requirements to make a request to an attending provider for medication that the individual may self-administer to bring about death. Specifies requirements a provider must meet in order to prescribe the medication to a patient. Prohibits an insurer from denying payment of benefits under a life insurance policy based upon a suicide clause in the life insurance policy if the death of the insured individual is the result of medical aid in dying. Establishes a Level 1 felony if a person: (1) without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication with the intent or effect of causing the individual's death; or (2) knowingly or intentionally coerces or exerts undue influence on an individual to request medication to bring about death or to destroy a rescission of a request for medication to bring about death. Establishes a Class A misdemeanor if a person, without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication in order to affect a health care decision by the individual. Establishes certain criminal and civil immunity for health care providers.