
Tourism improvement districts.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


Tourism improvement districts. Provides that a person may circulate a petition to create a tourism improvement district (district) within the territory of a county, city, or town (local unit). Specifies the contents of the tourism improvement district plan that must be filed with a petition to establish a district. Provides that, after a hearing on a petition to establish a district, the legislative body of a local unit may adopt the ordinance establishing the district only if it determines that the petition has been signed by at least: (1) 65% of the owners within the proposed district that will pay the assessments; and (2) the owners of 65% of the total net assessed value of the real property within the proposed district that will pay the assessments. Provides that owners located within a district may be charged a special assessment to fund improvements and other district activities. Defines the term "owner". Excludes from inclusion within a district: (1) property that receives a homestead standard deduction; (2) property used for single family residential housing; and (3) property used for multi-unit residential housing. Specifies the contents of the ordinance establishing a district and the length of time for which a district may exist. Allows a district to issue bonds. Requires the county, city, or town legislative body to contract with a nonprofit district management association to administer and implement the district's activities and improvements. Requires a district management association to annually engage an independent certified public accounting firm to conduct an examination of the district's funds, accounts, and financial affairs and submit the examination to the legislative body and the fiscal body. Excludes Marion County from the provisions of the bill.


Authored by Senator Holdman

Roll Calls

2024-02-06SenateSenate - Third reading PASS

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #2: Senate Engrossed2024-02-06 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Senate Engrossed2024-02-05 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Senate Comm Sub2024-01-30 Click To View
Committee ReportSenate Committee Report2024-01-30 Click To View
Vote SheetVote Sheet January 30, 20242024-01-30 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2023-12-21 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2024-02-19HouseRepresentative King added as cosponsor
2024-02-15HouseRepresentative Cherry added as cosponsor
2024-02-12HouseFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
2024-02-06SenateReferred to the House
2024-02-06SenateCosponsor: Representative Karickhoff
2024-02-06SenateHouse sponsor: Representative Baird
2024-02-06SenateThird reading: passed; Roll Call 121: yeas 47, nays 1
2024-02-05SenateSecond reading: amended, ordered engrossed
2024-02-05SenateAmendment #1 (Holdman) prevailed; voice vote
2024-02-01SenateSenator Baldwin added as second author
2024-01-30SenateCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
2024-01-22SenateSenator Randolph added as coauthor
2024-01-08SenateFirst reading: referred to Committee on Tax and Fiscal Policy
2024-01-08SenateAuthored by Senator Holdman