Bill Summary Date

(Last Action)

Status Last Action
SB0506 Pharmacy employment regulations.2025-01-16IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services
HB1239 Stillbirth prevention program.2025-01-09IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
HB1572 Hearing aids and speech-language pathologists.2025-01-31EngrossedReferred to the Senate
HB1617 Parent's bill of rights.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Family, Children and Human Affairs
HB1185 Athletic trainers.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
HB1434 Alcohol misuse prevention and treatment fund.2025-02-06IntroducedRepresentative Bartels added as coauthor
SB0387 Licensure of naturopathic physicians.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services
SB0441 Definition of sex and gender; birth certificates.2025-02-04IntroducedSenator Doriot added as coauthor
HB1053 Gaming matters.2025-01-29EngrossedReferred to the Senate
HB1407 Testing of drinking water.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
HB1412 Reporting of child abuse or neglect.2025-02-11IntroducedCosponsor: Senator Dernulc
HB1366 PFAS water safety standards.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs
SB0234 Medicaid matters.2025-01-14IntroducedSenator Charbonneau removed as second author
HB1141 Mental health and substance abuse coverage.2025-02-11IntroducedRepresentatives Patterson and Garcia Wilburn added as coauthors
HB1360 Medicaid coverage for health related social needs.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
SB0370 Health care matters.2025-02-03IntroducedSenator Johnson T added as coauthor
SB0246 Advanced practice registered nurses.2025-01-09IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services
SB0444 Incarcerated women's maternal health fund.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
SB0475 Physician noncompete agreements.2025-01-29EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1595 Long term care insurance partnership program.2025-02-04EngrossedReferred to the Senate
SB0143 Parental rights.2025-01-28EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1427 Department of local government finance.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
HB1675 Appropriation to community mental health centers.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
SB0289 Nondiscrimination in employment and education.2025-02-07EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1235 Military and veteran matters.2025-01-27IntroducedRecommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
HB1210 Student behavior.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education
HB1486 Use of SNAP benefits.2025-02-04IntroducedRepresentative Patterson added as coauthor
HB1226 Medicare supplement insurance.2025-02-11IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
HB1426 Liability shield products.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
SB0080 Code publication.2025-01-22EngrossedReferred to the House
HB1417 Prevention of chronic wasting disease.2025-01-29IntroducedRecommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
SB0386 Community corrections programs.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Corrections and Criminal Law
HB1398 Office of school safety.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
HB1180 Mental health care for veterans with PTSD.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Veterans Affairs and Public Safety
HB1154 Behavioral health preceptorship tax credit.2025-01-09IntroducedRepresentative Ledbetter added as coauthor
HB1065 Cancer clinical trial program.2025-02-11IntroducedCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
SB0164 Licensed professional music therapists.2025-02-04IntroducedSenators Alting and Bohacek added as coauthors
SB0311 Coverage for living organ donors.2025-01-21IntroducedSenator Crider added as second author
HB1330 Child operated refreshment stands.2025-01-13IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
HB1297 Motor vehicle medical information program.2025-02-11IntroducedRepresentative Karickhoff added as coauthor
HB1001 State budget.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Ways and Means
HB1044 Dissolution of human remains.2025-02-07EngrossedReferred to the Senate
HB1076 Alzheimer's disease and dementia education.2025-01-08IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
SB0110 School based health centers.2025-01-13IntroducedSenator Ford J.D. added as coauthor
SB0496 School based health centers.2025-01-14IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education and Career Development
HB1453 Pediatric cancer research and treatment grant.2025-01-27IntroducedRecommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
HB1253 Child care.2025-02-11IntroducedRepresentative Hamilton added as coauthor
HB1299 Funding for breast cancer research.2025-01-27IntroducedRepresentative Goss-Reaves added as coauthor
HB1637 School and public safety matters.2025-02-06IntroducedRecommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
HB1573 Impairment for mental illness.2025-01-21IntroducedFirst reading: referred to Committee on Employment, Labor and Pensions