Long term care savings accounts. Establishes the primary care access revolving fund (fund) for the purpose of making loans to primary care medical practices in Indiana. Specifies the purposes for which money in the fund may be loaned. Provides that the Indiana finance authority shall administer the fund. Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to transfer $15,000,000 to the fund from the amount appropriated to the IEDC by the general assembly in the 2025-2026 state fiscal year. Increases the employee threshold for purposes of eligibility for the health reimbursement arrangement income tax credit. Increases the maximum amount of tax credits that may be granted in a year. Specifies the procedure for claiming the credit. Allows an employer to establish a long term care savings account program that allows an employee to save with favorable tax treatment for services required when the employee's or the employee's dependents' functional capacities become chronically impaired due to advanced age or other circumstances. Expands the physician practice ownership tax credit (tax credit) against state tax liability to practicing physicians (instead of only primary care physicians) who have an ownership interest in a physician practice and meet other eligibility criteria. Requires a taxpayer claiming the tax credit to certify that each physician with an ownership interest provides health care services to patients. Provides that the total amount of tax credits awarded in a state fiscal year may not exceed $20,000,000.
Authored by Representative Barrett |
Title | Description | Date | View |
Fiscal Note | Fiscal Note #1: Introduced | 2025-01-15 | Click To View |