
Ownership of health care providers.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


Ownership of health care providers. Requires reporting of certain ownership information by: (1) a health care entity to the Indiana department of health (state department); (2) a physician group practice to the professional licensing agency; and (3) an insurer, a third party administrator, and a pharmacy benefit manager to the department of insurance. Requires a hospital to include certain ownership information in the hospital's annual fiscal report to the state department. Requires the professional licensing agency and the department of insurance to provide the ownership information to the state department. Requires the state department to post the ownership information on the state department's website. Sets forth penalties for a violation of the ownership reporting requirements. Amends the definition of "health care entity" for provisions governing health care entity mergers and acquisitions. Establishes the health care entity merger approval board (board) to evaluate and approve or deny proposed mergers and acquisitions of health care entities. Requires an Indiana health care entity that is involved in a merger or acquisition with another health care entity to provide notice to the office of the attorney general. (Current law specifies that this notice requirement applies to an Indiana health care entity involved in a merger or acquisition with another health care entity with total assets of at least $10,000,000.) Allows the office of the attorney general to investigate the market concentration of a health care entity. Prohibits an Indiana health care entity from engaging in a merger or acquisition with another health care entity or a specified health care provider unless the health care entity has received approval from the board. Sets forth criteria for approving a health care entity merger or acquisition. Allows the attorney general to bring a civil action to enforce these provisions.


Authored by Representative McGuireCoauthored by Representatives Shackleford and Goss-Reaves

Roll Calls

2025-02-13HouseHouse - Third reading PASS

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #2: House Engrossed2025-02-13 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: House Engrossed2025-02-10 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: House Comm Sub2025-02-04 Click To View
Committee ReportHouse Committee Report2025-02-04 Click To View
Vote SheetVote Sheet February 04, 20252025-02-04 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2025-01-15 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2025-02-14HouseReferred to the Senate
2025-02-13HouseSenate sponsors: Senators Johnson T, Garten, Charbonneau
2025-02-13HouseThird reading: passed; Roll Call 161: yeas 70, nays 25
2025-02-10HouseSecond reading: amended, ordered engrossed
2025-02-10HouseAmendment #1 (Barrett) prevailed; voice vote
2025-02-10HouseAmendment #4 (McGuire) prevailed; voice vote
2025-02-10HouseAmendment #3 (McGuire) prevailed; voice vote
2025-02-10HouseAmendment #2 (McGuire) prevailed; voice vote
2025-02-04HouseCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
2025-01-30HouseRepresentatives Shackleford and Goss-Reaves added as coauthors
2025-01-28HouseRepresentative Smaltz added as coauthor
2025-01-28HouseRepresentatives Shackleford and Goss-Reaves removed as coauthors
2025-01-21HouseFirst reading: referred to Committee on Public Health
2025-01-21HouseAuthored by Representative McGuire
2025-01-21HouseCoauthored by Representatives Shackleford and Goss-Reaves