
Juvenile law matters.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


Juvenile law matters. Requires the family and social services administration to provide address information to the department of child services (department) under specified circumstances. Provides that it is the policy of the state of Indiana and the purpose of Indiana family and juvenile law to: (1) recognize the responsibility of the state and of the department for the safety of children who are abused or neglected; (2) recognize that a parent's interest in receiving services at the time and expense of the state for purposes of reunification is limited; (3) promote the safety of all children involved in the juvenile justice system; and (4) ensure timely placement of children in foster care into permanent homes. Provides that a procedural deadline in a: (1) child in need of services (CHINS) proceeding; or (2) termination of parent-child relationship (TPR) proceeding; is not subject to waiver, whether affirmative or implied, by a party to the proceeding, except for an extension of the deadline for a preliminary hearing to which parties to a CHINS proceeding may consent under current law. Provides that an individual with whom a child is placed during CHINS proceedings is entitled to attend, in its entirety, any hearing conducted as part of: (1) the CHINS proceedings; or (2) TPR proceedings resulting from a TPR petition filed with regard to the child during the CHINS proceedings. Provides that a court shall allow an individual who is providing care and supervision of a child as: (1) a foster parent; (2) a long term foster parent; or (3) an unlicensed kinship caregiver; at the time the child is the subject of a CHINS proceeding or TPR proceeding to intervene as a party during any stage of the proceeding if the court makes specified findings. Provides that a court shall allow an individual who is providing care and supervision for a child to intervene in a TPR proceeding concerning the child. Provides that a child is a CHINS if, before the child becomes 18 years of age: (1) the child's physical or mental health is seriously endangered due to failure of the child's parent, guardian, or custodian to protect the child from exposure to the use, possession, sale, or manufacture of illegal drugs; and (2) the child needs care, treatment, or rehabilitation that the child is not receiving and is unlikely to be provided or accepted without the coercive intervention of the court. Removes a rebuttable presumption in current law that a child's physical or mental health is seriously endangered based on evidence of illegal manufacture of a drug or controlled substance occurring at the child's residence and provides that there is a rebuttable presumption that a child is a CHINS if the court finds that the child's parent, guardian, or custodian willfully or knowingly: (1) exposed the child to the illegal manufacture or distribution of a legend drug or controlled substance; or (2) exposed the child to: (A) methamphetamine; (B) fentanyl; or (C) a fentanyl containing substance; for which the parent, guardian, or custodian did not have a valid prescription. Amends the factors a court must consider when determining whether to detain a child who has been removed from the child's parent, guardian, or custodian to include considerations relating to exposure of the child to a fentanyl containing substance or fentanyl related substance. Provides that the rights of the: (1) child; (2) child's parents, guardian, or custodian; (3) department; and (4) guardian ad litem or court appointed special advocate; as parties to a proceeding regarding the child under Indiana juvenile law include rights of discovery, subpoena, examination of witnesses, and presentation of evidence at any hearing in the proceeding. Provides that the statutory deadline for holding of a factfinding hearing in a CHINS proceeding may be extended if the court finds that the extension is necessitated by; (1) unanticipated, emergent circumstances; (2) the circumstances of the case; or (3) the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure. Provides that there is a rebuttable presumption that a child is a CHINS if the court finds that the child lives in the same household as an adult who is subject to an order issued in a CHINS proceeding that requires the adult to participate in a program of care, treatment, or rehabilitation. Adds factors that a court must consider in determining appropriate reunification services in which a child's parent, guardian, or custodian will be required to participate under the child's dispositional decree. Provides that: (1) a dispositional decree that: (A) is entered under specified circumstances; and (B) requires a parent, guardian, or custodian to complete reunification services; may not provide for the parent, guardian, or custodian to receive the reunification services for more than a specified length of time, subject to extension for specified causes; and (2) a court reviewing the dispositional decree shall consider the amount of time remaining for the parent, guardian, or custodian to complete the reunification services. Specifies that the requirement that a court reviewing a dispositional decree must determine whether the department has made reasonable efforts to provide family services does not apply if a finding has been made that reasonable efforts for family preservation or reunification are not required. Provides that in determining the extent to which reasonable efforts to reunify or preserve a family are appropriate, the child's welfare (in addition to the child's health and safety, under current law) is of paramount concern. Provides that the department, before reunifying a child with the child's parent, guardian, or custodian, shall (rather than may, under current law): (1) conduct a criminal history check of: (A) the parent, guardian, or custodian; and (B) any household member of the parent, guardian, or custodian; and (2) use the results of the criminal history check to decide whether it is safe for the child to return home. Requires the department of child services to provide to the court the results of a pre-reunification criminal history check of a child's parent, guardian, or custodian. Requires a court to hold a permanency hearing for a child: (1) who has been removed from the child's parent, guardian, or custodian for at least 12 months; or (2) with regard to whom at least 12 months have expired since a dispositional decree was entered; at the request of any party to the CHINS proceeding that requests a permanency hearing on the basis that continuation of efforts to reunify or preserve the child's family are inconsistent with the best interests of the child. Provides that if a child has, at the time of a permanency hearing, been removed from the child's parent for at least 12 of the most recent 22 months, the permanency plan for the child must include at least one intended permanent or long term arrangement for care and custody of the child that would not return the child to the care and custody of the parent, guardian, or custodian from whose care and custody the child has been removed. Provides that if a child is less than 16 years of age, the intended permanent or long-term arrangement for care and custody of the child may be guardianship or placement with a permanent custodian only if the proposed guardian or custodian appears before the court and testifies as to the individual's willingness to assume custody of the child. Provides that: (1) if a court approves a permanency plan for a child who is a CHINS under which adoption is the only intended permanent or long term arrangement for care and custody of the child, the department shall publish specified information regarding the child to facilitate adoption of the child; and (2) the information published by the department to facilitate adoption of a child who is: (A) a CHINS; and (B) a hard to place child; may include the child's first name and picture. Requires a court to hold an initial hearing on a TPR petition not later than 30 days after the petition is filed. Provides that under specified circumstances, a TPR petition regarding a child and the child's parent: (1) must be filed by the department; and (2) may be filed by: (A) the child's guardian ad litem or court appoint special advocate; or (B) an individual: (i) with whom the child is placed during the CHINS proceedings; and (ii) who is an intervenor in the CHINS proceedings. Amends the allegations that may be asserted in a TPR petition. Removes a provision requiring a person that files a TPR petition to also file a: (1) copy of the order approving the permanency plan for the child; or (2) permanency plan for the child. Provides that the deadline for holding a hearing regarding a TPR petition may be extended if the court finds that extension of the deadline is necessitated by: (1) unanticipated, emergent circumstances; (2) the circumstances of the case; or (3) the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure.


Authored by Representative McGuire

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Committee ReportHouse Committee Report2025-02-14 Click To View
Vote SheetVote Sheet February 13, 20252025-02-13 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: House Comm Sub2025-02-10 Click To View
Committee ReportHouse Committee Report2025-02-10 Click To View
Vote SheetVote Sheet February 10, 20252025-02-10 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #2: Introduced2025-01-16 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2025-01-15 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2025-02-10HouseRecommitted to Committee on Ways and Means pursuant to House Rule 126.3
2025-02-10HouseCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
2025-01-28HouseRepresentatives Goss-Reaves and Garcia Wilburn added as coauthors
2025-01-27HouseRepresentative Lauer added as coauthor
2025-01-21HouseFirst reading: referred to Committee on Judiciary
2025-01-21HouseAuthored by Representative McGuire