School property taxes. Provides that all school corporations that adopt a resolution for a property tax levy for a controlled project or a school safety referendum tax levy after May 10, 2025, must share revenue received from the levy with certain charter schools. Specifies, for purposes of making distributions to charter schools from a property tax levy for a controlled project, that only charter schools located within the attendance area of the school corporation shall receive a distribution of revenue from that levy. Provides that all school corporations must share revenue received from a debt service levy with certain charter schools. Provides that all school corporations that adopt a resolution for an operating referendum tax levy after May 10, 2025, must share revenue received from the levy with certain charter schools. Provides that all school corporations must share revenue from the school corporation's operations fund levy with certain charter schools. Excludes school corporations meeting specified criteria from the sharing of property tax revenue received under the bill's provisions. Provides a calculation for determining the amount of an annual grant from the charter and innovation network school grant program based on the amount of property tax revenue received by a charter school from school corporations. Makes conforming changes.