Family and social services matters. Requires a sheriff to assist an individual who: (1) has been incarcerated for at least 30 days in a: (A) county jail; (B) community based correctional facility for children; (C) juvenile detention facility; or (D) secure facility other than a child caring institution; and (2) is eligible for Medicaid; in applying for Medicaid before the individual's release from the facility. Provides that if a child loses Medicaid coverage while confined in a juvenile detention facility or secure facility, the division of family resources shall, upon receiving notice that the child will be released, take action necessary ensure that the child is eligible to receive specified federally mandated services for 30 days before and after the child's release. Requires an insurer to respond within 60 days to an inquiry from the office of Medicaid policy and planning regarding a Medicaid claim that is made within three years from the date on which the service that is the subject of the claim was provided. Provides that an insurer other than Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or Medicare Part D may not deny a Medicaid claim solely due to lack of prior authorization in accordance with federal Medicaid law. Provides that the requirement that an individual who receives payment for medical expenses from Medicaid must cede to the state the individual's rights to third party payment for the medical expenses extends to settlement amounts for both past medical expenses and rights to payment of future medical expenses. Amends the duties, membership, and terms of office of the Medicaid advisory commission. Creates the Medicaid beneficiary advisory commission. Repeals a provision requiring that employees of a child care provider be tested for tuberculosis in order for the child care provider to be eligible to receive voucher payments under the federal Child Care and Development Fund program. Provides the following with regard to a licensed child care center, licensed child care home, or registered child care ministry (child care provider): (1) Requires all employees of a child care provider to be trained in pediatric first aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation applicable to all age groups of children cared for by the child care provider. (2) Requires at least one adult who is certified in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation applicable to all age groups of children cared for by the child care provider to be present at all times when a child is in the care of the child care provider. Amends the membership of the division of mental health and addiction planning and advisory council.