Property tax matters. Amends the property tax exemption for property used by a for-profit provider of early childhood education, including by requiring the provider to offer age appropriate curriculum and by excluding from the exemption tangible property that has been granted a homestead standard deduction. Provides a partial property tax exemption for an employer that provides child care on the employer's property for the employer's employees, and for the employees of another business if the employer and the other business enter into an agreement that outlines the terms under which the child care is to be provided. Specifies the conditions that must be met to obtain the partial property tax exemption. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services, in consultation with the early learning advisory committee, to: (1) evaluate and make recommendations; and (2) submit a report; regarding child care. Amends the maximum levy growth quotient to base the six year average calculation on the yearly wage growth for state and local government employees in Indiana and the annual increase in the Consumer Price Index. Requires the true tax value of a privately owned wastewater facility to be determined by applying the income capitalization approach. Provides that, if the application of the income capitalization method for an assessment year results in a zero or negative assessment, the privately owned wastewater facility is exempt from property taxation for that assessment year. Requires assessing officials in an assessment of residential deed restricted property to only use or consider sales of other residential deed restricted property as a comparable sale property for purposes of a sales comparison analysis.