
Health care matters.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


Health care matters. Requires Medicaid reimbursement for outpatient covered services at a hospital to be at the same reimbursement rate as that provided for the equivalent services at a physician's office. Provides exceptions. Requires specified reporting by hospitals and physicians to the office of the attorney general concerning: (1) a merger or acquisition of a physician group practice; and (2) employment of a physician. Requires the department of insurance to submit a report to the general assembly concerning the advisability and feasibility of expanding site neutral reimbursement to commercial health insurance.


Authored by Senator Buck

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2025-01-10 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2025-02-03SenateSenator Johnson T added as coauthor
2025-02-03SenateSenator Busch added as third author
2025-02-03SenateSenator Charbonneau added as second author
2025-01-13SenateFirst reading: referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services
2025-01-13SenateAuthored by Senator Buck