
Education matters.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


Education matters. Not later than October 1, 2025, requires the department of education (department) to submit a report to the general assembly concerning school bus driver safety education training. Makes certain changes concerning the process of filling a school board vacancy. Provides that a superintendent is preferred (current law says required) to hold a master's degree from certain institutions. Provides that certain covered school buildings are not required to revert to a school corporation if the building is subject to ongoing renovations. Provides that the parent of any student, regardless of the student's age, or the student after the student has become 18 years of age, may request a transfer from a school corporation in which the student has a legal settlement to a transferee school corporation in Indiana. Removes a requirement that a superintendent must discuss a plan for annual performance evaluations with a teacher or the teacher's representative. Not later than August 1, 2025, requires the early learning advisory committee, in coordination with the department, to assess certain prekindergarten program matters and submit a report to the legislative council.


Authored by Senator Rogers

Roll Calls

2025-02-13SenateSenate - Third reading PASS

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #2: Senate Engrossed2025-02-13 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Senate Engrossed2025-02-10 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Senate Comm Sub2025-02-06 Click To View
Committee ReportSenate Committee Report2025-02-06 Click To View
Vote SheetVote Sheet February 05, 20252025-02-05 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2025-01-10 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2025-02-14SenateReferred to the House
2025-02-13SenateCosponsors: Representatives McGuire and Smith H
2025-02-13SenateHouse sponsor: Representative Behning
2025-02-13SenateThird reading: passed; Roll Call 126: yeas 30, nays 16
2025-02-10SenateSecond reading: amended, ordered engrossed
2025-02-10SenateAmendment #2 (Rogers) prevailed; voice vote
2025-02-06SenateCommittee report: amend do pass, adopted
2025-02-03SenateSenator Buchanan added as coauthor
2025-02-03SenateSenator Raatz added as third author
2025-02-03SenateSenator Donato added as second author
2025-01-13SenateFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education and Career Development
2025-01-13SenateAuthored by Senator Rogers