
Comprehensive student support program.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


Comprehensive student support program. Establishes the comprehensive student support program (program) for the purposes of: (1) funding the formation and staffing of school based and district level comprehensive student support teams; (2) improving staffing ratios for student support personnel; (3) supporting the creation, expansion, and work of multidisciplinary school teams to address the school environment, school safety, school improvement, and crisis intervention and emergency preparedness; and (4) professional development for student support personnel. Establishes the comprehensive student support program state board (board). Provides that the board administers the program. Establishes the comprehensive student support program fund for the purpose of funding the program, and annually appropriates to the fund $1,000,000 from cigarette tax revenue, registration fees, fines, and penalties deposited in the state general fund.


Authored by Representative Shackleford

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #2: Introduced2025-01-16 Click To View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2025-01-08 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2025-01-09HouseFirst reading: referred to Committee on Education
2025-01-09HouseAuthored by Representative Shackleford