
K-12 education funding.

Latest bill text (Comm Sub) [PDF]


K-12 education funding. Requires each school corporation to establish a minimum salary of $65,000 for each full-time teacher not later than July 1, 2027. Increases the income cap of a family that may participate in the On My Way prekindergarten program from 150% to 185% of the federal poverty level. Provides that a child who is otherwise eligible for participation in the federal CCDF voucher program may continue to participate unless the child's family income exceeds 300% of the federal income poverty level. Increases school funding by 6% in 2026 and 6% in 2027 for the following categories: (1) Foundation amount. (2) Complexity. (3) Academic performance grants. (4) Special education. (5) Career and technical training. Appropriates approximately $50,000,000 in both 2026 and 2027 for non-English speaking program grants. Appropriates (and increases from the previous budget) funding for the following programs each year of the biennium beginning July 1, 2025: (1) $35,000,000 each year for Indiana secured school safety grants. (2) $30,000,000 each year for summer school programs. (3) $200,000,000 each year to the curricular materials fund for purposes of the fund. Establishes the student support services and teacher retention grant program (program) and fund (fund) to be administered by the department of education. Provides that the purpose of the program is to address the ongoing challenges with teacher attraction and retention and shortages in critical student support service areas. Appropriates $50,000,000 to the fund for purposes of the program and for recruitment, hiring, and retention strategies for educators and support staff. Requires the program to be administered in conjunction with the: (1) school intervention and career counseling development program; (2) elementary school counselors, social workers, and school psychologists program; and (3) grants for mental health counselor licenses for school counselors; in a manner that streamlines these under the overall purposes of the program. Provides that a school employer may discuss certain items with the exclusive representative of certificated employees with regard to expenditures for education service centers of a public school corporation and expenditures from the Indiana secured school fund for school safety purposes.


Authored by Senator Qaddoura

Fiscal Outlook

Title Description Date View
Fiscal NoteFiscal Note #1: Introduced2025-01-08 Click To View


Date Chamber Action
2025-02-06SenateSenator Ford J.D. added as third author
2025-01-08SenateFirst reading: referred to Committee on Appropriations
2025-01-08SenateAuthored by Senator Qaddoura